670 Niagara Street, Welland ON
This high-density condominium development located on Niagara St. in Welland combines residential with retail and is spread across several parcels of land. The surrounding context is made up largely of single-family homes with a transition to commercial to the southeast. The design proposes to divide the site into six individual freehold parcels, each with its own individual surface and below parking and access through the proposed Aqueduct Street Extension. The lots remain visually connected as part of the bigger master plan brought together through the landscape and urban walkways. Multiple access points make the site more permeable, which allows for solar access and vegetated open spaces.
The design addresses overlook, privacy and shadowing issues by designing multiple levels of visual opacities through materiality. These become visually permeable towards Canal views and more opaque towards the high traffic of Niagara Street. Diagonal terraces frame views towards the Welland Canal and adjacent landscape while providing privacy from the neighboring structures.